Saturday, May 15, 2010

What is the cheapst but safe way to transfer a motorcycle (sportbike ninja ex250)?

I am going to college UIUC, about 200miles away from home.

Basically, I am interested in buying a motorcycle (maybe ninja 250).

However, there are not that many sport bikes on sale around the campus. So I have decided to buy one from Chicago area (where I live). But what is the best way to transfer the bike back to campus? I was thinking about renting a uhaul about 150 wit gas.

Is it bad for the bike?

Is there any other way to do it?

My family have a Honda Pilot, would it work too?


Can anyone recommend some good dealers around Chicago west suburbs area?|||Put the bike in the back of a pickup truck. Be sure that the front tire contacts the front of the bed. stand the bike upright KEEP IT IN NEUTRAL and secure a paded strap to each side of the handle bars and tighten them equally forward and to the sides.|||pick up a cheap trailer. Harborfreight has really good ones. Since you have an SUV, just pick up a cheap trailer hitch from Uhaul.|||How about riding it out to campus? 200 miles is a nice ride - might be a little chilly this time of year.|||Borrow a pick-up. Prop the center stand down, as well as the side stand, compress the forks (put weight on the front end) while someone straps a tie down over the handle bars. Do the same to the rear end; that%26#039;s what I do to mine.

I%26#039;d really recommend just riding it though. Cold riding sucks, but it%26#039;s not too bad if you prepare.

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