Friday, May 21, 2010

How do you adjust the clutch on a 2006 Kawasaki Ninja?

Not the grip, but the internal clutch. It feels like it doesn%26#039;t disengage completely. When the engine is running and I push the gear shift into first it goes in very hard and causes the bike to lurch forward a bit.|||Always give year, make, engine size and model # when asking questions. Ninjas come in different sizes.

Ninjas do not have internal clutch adjustments.

If adjusting the clutch cable doesn%26#039;t make any changes, then the next possible problems could be -

- Lack of, or thin oil - change oil and filter.

- Shift forks worn - do you have a heavy foot and slam the shift lever?

- Trani gears not engauging with each other easily. Rev the engine a little before shifting. If the bike is new, it might take a while for the trani to loosen up. If it%26#039;s still under warrenty, take it back to the dealer so you have proof that there was a problem. If something happens after the warrenty expires, you have legal recourse for Kaw to fix the problem.|||is clutch lever cable loose? You should have about 1/4 or less of free play on cable lever. if cable is loose then trying adjusting cable tension using barrel adjustment by the lever perch. See your owner manual.

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