Monday, May 17, 2010

Naruto clash of ninja revolution 2 going to be in the USA?

Can you beilive it!!! THEY ARE MAKING A NEW NARUTO GAME FOR THE WII! I want it for usa, and if they dont, i am sueing them, lol, so is it going to be in the USA Because there is so many charcters that you cant play as in all the others, only ones from the ones in clash of ninja 3, 4.|||Yes it is coming out for the us to. In fact it comes out October 21 2008.

By the way there is going to be naruto clash of ninja revolution 3 but I don%26#039;t know when it%26#039;s coming out.|||Sometimes it will come out in Japan first. Then if it is promoted enough the creators will send a shipment over to the USA and then after that in a couple of weeks the game should be on sale. It all depends if Japan is willing to promote the game. If it doesnt sell enough and the finance is low there is no chance|||yes it will

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