Monday, May 17, 2010

I have a 1994 Ninja Zx6e why wont the battery keep a charge?

Could it be because the charging system be going out? If so how would I fix it and how much will it cost?|||It could be that its not being charged but more than likely you just have a bad battery. You can have it tested or take it off and charge it and then leave it sit inside for a few days where its warm and see if it holds a charge. If its your charging system then you will need to get a book or talk with someone who knows about your specific bike since they are not quite as simple and standard as a car.|||It could be the charging system but most likely the Battery has a bad cell. Any parts store or shop should be able to tell you.

If it is the charging system, the cost will depend on the amount of damage. Labor will be the biggest expense. Electronics are relatively cheap.

Good Luck|||Check your altinator. Could cost you + - $150.00.|||Could be the alternator man....orrrrrr....maybe an electrical circuit is shorting out somewhere ....most likely alternator though :)

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