Saturday, May 15, 2010

How does one tie ninja pants?

I found some, they%26#039;re like brain-teaser pants.

I%26#039;m a n00b, refrain from using ninja terminology please D:|||With the grace of a ninja! Use them toes boy!|||Sorry, I%26#039;m not sure what you mean ...i assume you are not having trouble with a standard Gi (canvas pygamas) so are you training in full shinobi shozoko (stereotypical ninja %26#039;costume%26#039;) which would have 3 sets of ties (ankle, knees, waist) or hakama (baggy trousers with pleats) etc??

If you could describe it better I will try to help!?

P.S. I know you said no terminology but you need to start learning it somewhere and discussion is a good start! :P

Edit: Oh I see! Sorry no more jargon!

Ok, if there are ties just below the knees and at the ankles then you just tie these how feels comfortable for you ...knotted and tucked in; a big bow, etc! The purpose of these ties is to keep the bottom part of the trouser leg close to your leg, preventing %26#039;billowing%26#039; of the baggy trouser leg and keeping the material out of the way. However, this is generally more effective by wearing %26#039;leg wraps%26#039; which extend from 2 thirds up the calf right down to the top of the foot (over the tabi - split toed ninja boots) where it meets the ankle (these were also used to hold small weapons or pieces of equipment).

I%26#039;m gonna guess that there are 2 sets of ties at the waist - the front 2 tie at the back and the back ones tie at the front. If the front ties are longer than the back ones then you may need to cross them at the back and then bring them to the front to tie with the back ones.

If it is hakama (baggy pleated trousers) that you have then there will probably be a hard plate on one side of the waist. This goes to the back! There will also be a little dangling bit from the inside surface of the plate that looks like a little shoehorn. This is intended to slip over the top and underneath a martial arts belt, hence preventing the trousers from falling down. If you need help with the belt then just search on you tube for %26#039;Tying your obi%26#039; - Obi is jargon for the belt.

There are lots of %26quot;whys, wherefors and just cos%26#039;s%26quot; regarding the reasons behind all these seemingly needless ties but I dont think you%26#039;ll really be interested! :P

More importantly though, don%26#039;t worry too much about how the outfit SHOULD be tied! Just wear it in a way it feels comfortable and stays on. If it looks the part for your film then no one will be any the wiser anyway!

Hope that made some sense and good luck with your film!

If you have any more questions you think i might be able to help with you can email me at:

kitsunezurui %26#039;at%26#039;

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