Thursday, November 12, 2009

How many weapons should a ninja have carried?

how many martial arts weapons (i.e. sword, lance, nunchuks,etc)

could a ninja carried?|||as many as he wanted. He is a ninja!!|||I have had some training in the Bujinkan Dojo and I%26#039;m no expert, but I am a really avid reader and amateur scholar. From what I%26#039;ve read, the ninja carried whatever was appropriate for the mission. Probably more or so. The ninja more likely carried minimal weapons for risk of being caught and captured.|||Depends on what they were doing. Most ninja were information gatherers so it ranged from 1, to many more. If they were impersonating samurai, they%26#039;d carry a daisho plus a few of their own.

It really would depend on what their objective was. One must remember that ninja were assasins and informants and that when disguised carrying many weapons would be impractical often.|||Just enough to get the job done.

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