Thursday, November 12, 2009

How long does your Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 PS2 game take to load?

Whenever I put in my Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 game, it takes like hours to load and it stops at that blank white screen. And so I wanted to ask how long does it NORMALLY take to load?|||Mine doesn%26#039;t take that long. But - of course - it could also be faster ;p

You%26#039;re disc might be defective somehow. I once had a Midnight Club 3 discs that would only let you play the Tokyo Challenge, and whenever you tried to play the game it would stay on the load screen until you got tired of waiting. I also bought it used.

You might want to buy a new one if you bought yours used.

And it wouldn%26#039;t hurt to gently wipe clean the dust that might be collecting on your PS tray if you play it on the PS2.

I hope that helps.|||mine take like 60sec umm ur game must be scratched

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