Saturday, November 14, 2009

Would experienced bikers laugh at me for riding a small ninja 250r?

Because I%26#039;m a beginner and I want the 2008 ninja 250r as my first bike.|||first... how big are you? if you are on the smaller size, YES ABSOLUTELY get the 250. if you are bigger get the 500 ninja. both are great bikes for beginers. don%26#039;t listen to the fools that tell you to go out and get a 900. or something. it%26#039;s great that you want to be sensible about the first bike. make sure you take some MSF classes. After a year, you%26#039;ll be ready to move up if you want to. good luck|||Not at all. We%26#039;ve all been there and we also know that the Ninja 250 is an excellent starter bike.

I would, however, be reluctant to buy a brand new one. Chances are pretty good that you will drop the bike at least once during your first year or two ( it happens to many of us...that%26#039;s how we learn ) so my suggestion would be to look for a used Ninja 250. Let someone else take the depreciation hit and then you can learn on the bike for a year or two. When you feel confident that you want to move up, you can sell that Ninja for very close to the amount of money you paid for, assuming that you look after the maintenance of the bike properly and it is in the same shape that you bought it in. Learner bikes are always in demand so flipping it will not be a problem.|||No real biker / rider will not laugh at you. (They might not wave but won%26#039;t laugh) A real biker understands that we all have to start somewhere and that it really doesn%26#039;t matter what you ride as long as you ride.

Those who will laugh at you aren%26#039;t worth even listening to and they are so small minded that anything they say means nothing.|||Some probably will laugh but who cares just get in the wind get some experience and move up to a bigger bike later. You probably will outgrow it kinda fast but maybe not. But if so these bikes retain there value fairly well. However if it is your first bike I would suggest goin with an older one until you get comfortable, because as a new rider you WILL drop this bike. so get somthing used to learn on . So the cost of fixin what you break won%26#039;t sting so bad.|||NO... only retards will... we all have to start somewhere.. and you cant just start on a 500cc or higher bike.. thatl be way too much power for you to handle.... the new ninja will make alot of riders jealous caus it looks soo damn awesum!.. you%26#039;ll get the %26#039;nod%26#039; from every driver! to be honest.. :D have fun!|||not at all we all had to start on something but start on a used 250cc Ninja instead of a new one and depending on your size maybe a much older older 600cc stay away from anything in the 90%26#039;s on up as these will have to much power for a beginner|||yes, but all in good fun....

It%26#039;s just the dues we all have to pay, once you get your license, then you can laugh at the newbs next year...

the point is, you will be alive next year, and have the skill to ride...|||No but for a starter why not buy a good used one thats a lot to pay for one you will out grow and %26quot;may%26quot; crash a time or 2 even scuffed up paint is a fortune to repair and cuts resale in half|||unless you are 5%26#039;2%26quot;and 90lbs go at least to 400CC or 600CC that way you won%26#039;t want to sell it in four months.|||bawh haa haa hee hee haa haa

just kidding we all had to start somewhere.|||Yes. Not only that, but soon after you start riding a 250, you will gain alot of confidence, and you will want a larger bike. Start with a 500 or 750. Those are both small enough to handle fairly easily, and also have that extra %26quot;umph%26quot; that you will want after you cut your teeth for a while.|||;re a prince at being a smuck

dont ever advise a newby to buy a 750,what are you thinking?

start off small and work your way up,who cares what other people think?at least you%26#039;ll have your knees in the breeze|||thats a good sport bike for a beginner i dont see why they would. at least you are buying a bike made for a beginner and not rushing out getting one thats to big or one you can%26#039;t handle good luck to you.|||The Ninja 250 is the greatest new rider bike ever built. Any douchebag suggesting you get a 600+ bike is just that, a douche. You may get tired of it or you may not. Unless you%26#039;re some kind of insane Red Bull chugging adrenaline junkie like Charles S, a 250 will do just fine for you. Large sport bikes are too powerful for a new rider. Would you give a brand new driver a Corvette?|||I asked this same question of many biker friends, and they unanimously told me the same thing: Dont start out that small!

So I started with a 900, and I%26#039;m so glad I did, %26#039;cause I am ready to go bigger than that now. Can you imagine if I was on a 250?! Also, your body size is a consideration. If your a great big dude, like me, you are gonna look silly on a smaller bike. So my advice? Go big as you dare.

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