Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ninja 250? How good of a one could I get for 2k or a little under?

Ok I am looking for a good beginner bike and I have decided on a Ninja 250...

I ain%26#039;t going to speed alot on my first bike... I am just going to use for riding around town because of gas prices...

How good of one could I get for about 1750?


Miles?|||In 2004 I picked up a mint 2003 with 9,000 miles on it for $1850 with a helmet. Traded it 5,000 miles later straight across for a VF1000F Interceptor (Circa 1984 with 4,000 miles on it!) Which I sold tonight so that I could buy a Suzuki SV1000. 4 years of riding on $850, ya... I will take that deal.

Good luck with the little Ninja 250, it%26#039;s a great bike for around town despite being a little underpowered (more than makes up for it in great handling and brakes for a little bike.)|||Thats easy. Go to craigs below you can find them in good shape for that amount. Ebay also but they tend to sell higher there.

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