Thursday, November 12, 2009

Would you rather be a ninja or a samurai?

I know all about the history of both. I know of the wars with both. I won%26#039;t go much in detail. However, what would you rather be a ninja or a samurai?|||I%26#039;d rather be a pirate, arrrrr!!

Pirates trump Ninjas|||Samurai!

They have honor and skill.|||Ninja. i would be really fast and ninjas use the element of suprise. ninjas are very acrobatic|||Samurai because of their honor and courage in open battle prepared to die while facing their enemy. The ninja%26#039;s best weapon of stealth is useless once they are discovered, and you can only remain hidden for so long.|||I alredy am traning to become a ninja ,as i%26#039;m learnug ninjutzu,but i%26#039;m friends with a lot of good samurais|||I would be a ninja because they were trained to be able to fight in all conditions in weather and tight places.They trained in many more types of weapons and martial arts,and to be able to enter any place and sneak up on any person with out making a sound is cool.Besides it would seem that being a ninja would come naturally to me since I am able to enter rooms,hallways and even sneak up on people so quietly that they don%26#039;t even know I am there until I speak to them with out even trying to do that.|||Ninjas are trained assassins and Originally trained to counter the samurai class in japan. Ninjas were usually the underdogs really, peasants and lower class people. Samurais eventually became corrupt, and ninjas were sent to kill them; and often did, which was why the Japanese society despised them so.|||Samurai, much more respect and better fighter. (can u guess from my handle?)

I would say ninja b/c you don%26#039;t have to go to war as a ninja, but I wouldn%26#039;t want to have to assasinate someone who had done no wrong.|||I would be either.

Samurai have a code of honor and value honor above material things, and are powerful warriors. Ninjas are basically spies and assassins, and are very stealthy. They have small but deadly weapons such as shuriken and kunai. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Why cant we be both? A %26quot;Samurjai%26quot;? That would be cool.|||samurai|||a ninja defiantly! i always try to run across carpets like a ninja and i have the game NINJA GAIDEN BLACK it is a tight game! i always dreamed of being a ninja my whole life!!!|||Ninja I would walk on walls and have very small but fast weapons.|||ninja because they use stealth|||well i%26#039;d b a samurai because i love the sword and i love the way of bushido(even though the real samurai%26#039;s hardly any at all followed the bushido) also i believe that being a samurai i can confront my enemies in a battle man to man

unlike most ninjas who assasinate(not all ninjas) from behind|||A samurai. They have more respect for tradition and honor.|||Given a free Hand - a RONIN.To answer your Question- A samurai

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