Friday, November 18, 2011

How much would cost of tune up for 03 Kawasaki Ninja 250 be?

How much would cost of tune up for 03 Kawasaki Ninja 250 be? I am looking to buy this bike. Everything%26#039;s great mechanically. It has been sitting for almost an year but has been properly winterized. Tires and brakes are ok. Took it for a run and it sounded fine.

Thanks,|||It depends in the dealer or shop. I went to a regular bike shop and he quoted at $130 + oil. My dealer quoted me at $80 including oil. So I%26#039;m guessing somewhere in there. I have a ninja 650r...|||I%26#039;ve never spent more than $100 on a basic tuneup before. I agree though that if everything seems to check out all right and the bike feels crisp and responsive when you test-drove it, maybe just do an oil change and don%26#039;t even sweat a tune-up for now. Nice to see another Kawi fan :-)

Kawi Gal|||if you rode it and it runs fine it doesn%26#039;t need a tune up. You can change the oil yourself.

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