Friday, November 18, 2011

Does the 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250r have enough power for my body size?

I am a beginner, but i don%26#039;t want to learn on something that acts like a moped. I used to have a moped, and they are not fun. I am 6 foot 3 inches and I weight 195. Will this Ninja haul me around easily on the streets and possibly short distances on the highway? I am considering buying this model, so I need ALL the information I can get! Thanks to everyone in advance!|||Hmm, I can do 80mph easily and I am 6%26#039; 250lbs... Really it is all in your flavor. If you like a sport bike and do want something with above average gas milage the ninja 250 is your bike... If you don%26#039;t care either way and want performance based cycle then go elseware....|||It%26#039;ll haul you but don%26#039;t expect any thrills. A 250 would barely get you up to highway speeds. I bought an old 550 ltd kawasaki in great shape for a beginner bike. I don%26#039;t have to worry about it popping a wheely because it won%26#039;t. When you buy a small beginner bike the insurance company knows its a beginner bike because a veteran rider wouldn%26#039;t buy a small bike. The insurance costs will be higher if you do buy a small bike because that tells the insurance guys that you don%26#039;t have any experience.|||I had a 2005 ninja 250, ive now moved onto a CBR1000rr. The ninja was a great bike, i wish i could have kept it along with my newer bike. I got usually about 50mpg around town, driving somewhat hard, and 65 mpg on the freeway about 80-90 on long trips. Im 6%26#039;1 and 160 lbs, with another 120 lb rider i was still able to go 100mph with the bike(no not down hill and no wind). I dont see a 200lb rider having any problems with the bike. oh yea its slow but it got the job done and it was still a lot of fun! I hope this helps.|||Don%26#039;t kid yourself. You need a starter bike. No matter what other says you need to start on something small and then trade up later. If you skip this step you are basically risking life and limp (just so you can skip the trade up later).

In most of the world, a 250 is considered LARGE bike. Only in America it is considered a beginners bike. Take it slowly and LEARN to ride and ride for the rest of your life (not just this summer).

Good Luck...

P.S. I%26#039;ve owned 3 bikes so far - been riding since 1983|||I would not think so. I am 5%26#039;7%26quot; 160 lbs. and I ride a Kaw Vulcan 500 LTD and it has just enough power for me. It has the same engine as the 500 Ninja, but slightly smaller carbs. Anyway I think a 250 Ninja would be too small for a 6foot3 frame.|||No it does not. Not only would you look like a Shriner on a small motorcycle, but the 250 does not have the power to get on the highway at all. For your size, I would stay in the 600cc and up range.|||those bikes a for girls mann get a cr500 i have a yz85 now and i am 12yrs old and it can kill a ninja 250.also try a CRF450 or yz426|||im not as big as you are but im worried i wont be able to take someone on the back with a ninja 250, they do sound fun and they look so nice..the 2008 ones|||Here’s the thing you have to decide; 1, do you want a bike that you can pop wheelies off the line without any mods and can get ridiculous speeds on the freeway which could result in getting your license pulled or get you killed? Or 2, are you wanting a bike that will be fun around town, have enough power to move you safely on the freeway and get Scooter type mpgs (ie upper 50’s to 60’s mpgs)? If you want to go with 1 go and get a 650 or higher bike and the best gear you can buy, me I choose option 2, had my fun in my 20’s with a bigger bike, did some pretty stupid stuff because I had a bigger bike, luckily I’m still around. So I Decided between the 08 Ninja 250 and the UM /Hyosung 250r. I decided to go with the UM 250R; insurance was about half of what the Ninja was and I paid just under $3800 out the door for brand new with full gear. As for performance, I can easily hit 85-90 on the freeway with plenty of throttle left. I’m 5’10” weigh 230lbs. Right now the bike is new, just over 600 miles on the odo. First fill up I averaged 54 mpgs, 2nd fill up 56 mpgs and 3rd was 57. Friend who has one said it takes about 1500 miles on the bike before it gets to the 60-68mpg area. The UM doesn’t have any stickers that show what size the bike is and looks like a 650 or bigger bike plus it came with a 3 year unlimited mileage engine warranty and 18 month parts warranty for the rest of the bike. Long and short a 250 is plenty of bike if you are new or if you are wanting to get out have some fun and save some serious gas. Whatver you do buy the best gear you can afford, ride safe and have fun. Just my two cents. Hope this helps with your decision.

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